Welcome to THE COMMONS -- News and Views for Windham County, Vermont

2022-06-10 20:35:42 By : Ms. Tina Ma

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The Commons is the public face of a larger nonprofit organization, Vermont Independent Media, Inc.

We came to life from the ground up in 2004, as members of the community became increasingly concerned about the consequences of absent corporate ownership of the daily newspaper in town and the need for local people to have access to the skills to create their own grassroots media.

VIM came to life lovingly and carefully thanks to indefatigable volunteers. The first public programs of the Media Mentoring Project began in 2005, and the first issue of The Commons was published in 2006. The newspaper was published monthly until 2010, when we began a weekly schedule. We are published on Wednesdays 51 times a year.

Recognizing that a vigorous exchange of ideas and information allows democracy to function and is the lifeblood of a community, Vermont Independent Media:

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By /Special to The Commons

Leland & Gray presents Pops concert, art show

TOWNSHEND — Come join the Leland & Gray school community on Thursday, June 2 for a celebration of the arts.

Beginning at 5:30 p.m., enjoy the Leland & Gray’s fine arts department display inside the main entrance. At 6 p.m., bring a lawn chair and listen to students in grades 3–12 as they perform in band, chorus, a cappella, and jazz band ensembles on the main lawn.

The art show will reopen after the concert and remain open until 9:30 p.m.

For more information, email Elyse at ewadsworth@windhamcentral.org.

BRATTLEBORO— The Walk for Amber and Amber Bernier Scholarship committees will host the 16th annual Walk for Amber on Sunday, June 5.

Registration begins at the Brattleboro Memorial Hospital parking lot at 10 a.m. Participants are offered a chance to contribute to the fundraiser. The raffle drawing takes place at 10:30 a.m., and the walk begins at 11 a.m.

The Walk for Amber Raffle this year features 27 prize options, including jewelry, free dinners, an overnight stay at the Grafton Inn, and a handmade braided rug. To see the raffle list, visit amberbernierscholarship.org, where you can find details on purchasing raffle tickets ($1, or six for $5).

Since 2004, 51 graduating high school seniors have received over $30,000 in scholarships as they pursue careers in cosmetology, early childhood education, and other helping professions.

DUMMERSTON — Senior Solutions and Evening Star Grange will hold their first meal for June on Wednesday, June 8, with takeout orders available between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. and an inside sit-down meal at noon.

The menu includes baked chicken or vegetarian “chicken” tenders, rice pilaf, succotash, and pineapple upside-down cake.

Reservations are requested and can be made by calling the Grange at 802-254-1138 by Tuesday, June 7. Just leave your name, telephone number and the number of meals you want, and whether any will be of the vegetarian variety.

A donation of $4 ($3 for those 60 and older) is suggested.

Also, the Grange is looking for donations of rhubarb for a dessert to accompany a future meal. Leave a message at the above phone number and bring your surplus rhubarb with you to the June 8 meal.

BELLOWS FALLS — Greater Falls Connections (GFC) is seeking new members for its community advisory board. The one-year terms can be held for up to five years, starting in July each year.

The board meets monthly on the second Monday of the month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The deadline for applying for a board position is Monday, June 6.

The advisory board helps GFC with fundraising, quarterly participation in activities, oversight for personnel and finances, and guidance in the agency’s work in Bellows Falls with families and youth around substance misuse and abuse as well as community building.

“We welcome anyone in the community who has a passion and positivity for the Bellows Falls area and its youth, and especially anyone who is well-connected to the experiences of youth and families impacted by substance misuse,” GFC Director Laura Schairbaum said in a news release.

“Our mission is to build a healthy, nurturing and supportive community by inspiring and empowering people through education and collaboration to promote wellness and prevent the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, with an emphasis on youth substance use prevention,” she added.

For more about GFC or about becoming a board member, contact Schairbaum at laura@greaterfallsconnections.org or 802-463-9927, ext. 208.

BRATTLEBORO — Meals on Wheels, the service that ensures that folks who cannot get out or prepare food for themselves have daily meals, needs volunteer drivers to make food deliveries in Brattleboro.

Both regular and substitute drivers are needed for routes in Brattleboro, which take about an hour to complete. A route typically involves dropping off meals to about a dozen people. Meals are left at the door, and you just knock or ring the bell.

“Recipients are so grateful for the deliveries and often wave and say ‘thank you’ as you walk back to your car,” Program Director Cynthia Fisher notes in a news release. “Sometimes it’s the only contact they have in a day, so also serves as a check on them.”

For more information or to volunteer, contact Fisher at 802-257-1236 or director@brattleboroseniormeals.org.

BRATTLEBORO — Get your hands on some wood and fire up your creative side in one of these June classes at HatchSpace, 22 High St.

For beginners, June’s lineup includes: Turn a French Rolling Pin (June 9), an introduction to the lathe; Carve a Spoon from A Fresh Cut Log (June 14 and 15), which explores traditional and contemporary methods of shaping wood into a spoon; Beginning Relief Carving (Wednesday afternoons, June 15–July 1) introduces traditional Japanese and European carving tools as you carve a design in basswood; Build a Wooden Keepsake Box (June 24–26) introduces key woodworking machines as students create a beautiful box to take home; and Build a Garden Bench (June 25) lets you do just that for your yard or garden.

Fascinated and terrified by the table saw? Workhorse of the Woodshop: The Table Saw (June 17) is a three-hour, step-by-step, safety-focused, hands-on introduction to this tool.

Classes for intermediate woodworkers, if you have some woodworking experience, include Fundamentals of Cabinet Making (10 sessions beginning June 7), where students will build a wall-hung cabinet with a door and drawer; and Timothy Clark’s High Work Stool (June 11–12), where students will build an elegant stool using maple and cherry.

Register for these classes and find out more at hatchspace.org/classes.

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Originally published in The Commons issue #666 (Wednesday, June 1, 2022). This story appeared on page C3.