2022-07-29 20:29:09 By : Ms. Francis Zhang

Moving Sale: Sat. 7a-12n 4280 FM 390 E. ; linens, dishes, chair covers, bar glasses, rolls of fabric, Juki commercial sewing machine, and more

Personal: affordable lawn service – mowing, weed eating, blowing, etc., great prices, FREE est. – 979-270-3971 call or text

Personal: general clean-up, gutter cleaning, fence painting, pressure washing, lawn mowing, flower bed and fence line clean up, tree cutting and trimming, moving, load and unload U-Hauls, demolition of old houses and barns, low, low, cost services, FREE est. – 979-203-3447

Personal: towing, wash trailers/cars/trucks, incl. int. shampooing, will come to you, all types of pressure washing for houses/driveways/mobile homes/etc., work on flower beds, rake leaves, sm. lawn service, haul trash and junk, move all appliances and furniture – 979-451-7762

Personal: construction and Handy Man services, NO job too small, 20 yrs. exp., lots of references – 979-830-3536 Ray

Personal: Handy man Services – wood floors, tile, tree trimming, painting , FREE Est. -- 979-551-6657 call or text

Personal: tractor work, lot and pasture shredding, tilling gardens and food plots, loader and box blade work – 979-256-7512 call or text

Personal: Handy Man services – 25 yrs. exp., electric services, concrete work, home remodeling, roofing, painting, decks, framing, plumbing, and more, FREE est., Se Habla Espanol – 979-347-7468

Personal: Handy Man services, 30+ yrs. exp. – pressure washing on houses and driveways, painting int. and ext., tile showers and floors, roofing shingle and metal, carpentry work, lay carpet and vinyl, concrete work, tear down barns and sheds, Hardy plank on houses, add ons to houses, install doors and windows, install fences wire and wood, trim trees, hauling, counter tops and back splashes, install trim and crown molding, plumbing work – 979-551-3467

Personal: int. painting and ext. power washing, have references – 979-530-3901 or 936-727-0929

Personal: int. and ext. painting, sheetrock work, ceramic tile, laminate flooring, decks, carpentry – 979-661-0023

Garage Sale: Fri. 8a-5p and Sat. 8a-1p corner of Charles Lewis and Jackson St. ; infant/kids/men’s/women’s clothing, shoes, scrubs, household items, vintage items, furniture

For Sale: tree stands for hunting $25-$50 ea. ; 8x10 tent, super easy to set up $100 ; other camping gear, make offer – 512-618-3127

Personal: all types of hauling, general clean-up, tree trimming, tear down old sheds/barns/houses ; Wanted: junk cars and trucks in any cond., non-working farm equipment, appliances, riding mowers, a/cs – 979-251-4585 anytime

Personal: electrical, roofing, FREE est., bilingual, have references – 979-525-1431 call or text

Personal: custom shredding of sm. acreage – 979-551-6360

Personal: will pick up all non-working appliances and lawn equipment, tear down old houses and barns ; For Sale: Whirlpool dryer $160 OBO – 936-218-5764

Personal: mobile detailing, hand wash and wax, shampoo carpets, treat leather seats, clean RVs/travel trailers/boats/semis, acid wash aluminum horse and stock trailers, polishing, pressure washing, clean windows, have references – 979-203-4492

Personal: complete tree removal, stump griding, planting, lot and fence clearing, landscaping, pressure washing, fence painting, trash and debris removal, fence repair, moving, and more ; For Sale: firewood – Mesquite, Hickory, Post Oak, Pecan – 979-203-5249

For Sale: (3) hens, rooster, and (2) ducks $45/all – 979-574-5714

For Sale: dual rake pulley $125 ; Bostic brad nailer $35 – 979-836-4138

Personal: tree trimming, complete tree removal, trim hedges, clean flower beds, clean fence lines, will travel to surrounding counties – 979-551-3012 SERIOUS CALLS ONLY

For Sale: 940 Cat Mustang Bobcat, good cond. $8500 CASH, can deliver and let you test drive – 832-746-8126

Personal: private sitting w/ the elderly – 979-661-4311

Personal: plumbing and repairs, 30+ yrs. exp. – 979-661-1352

Wanted: electrician to do sm. job in Brenham – 979-203-3173

For Sale: Chi-weenie pups ; Personal: will sit w/ the elderly or young – 713-592-2355

For Sale: Charolais/Brangus cross bull, 8 mo. old – 979-485-6843

For Sale: goats ; Brahman bull ; taking order on round bales of hay – 979-277-8794

For Sale: (3) Miniature Australian Sheppard pups, registered, (2) male and (1) female, (2) Blue Merle and (1) black and white $750 and $950 – 979-270-1520

For Sale: ’94 Chevy Camaro Z28, complete, project, has been sitting in garage for about 10 yrs., good int. ; ’86 Ford F-250, diesel, manual, gooseneck, regular cab, work truck, new tires, runs great ; several S-10 and Rangers – 979-830-9095

Wanted: catalytic convertor for ’13 Chevy Malibu, 4-cyl., 2.5L – 979-530-2681 anytime

For Sale: Bantum chickens and roosters $15/pr. ; cross bred chickens and roosters $10/pr. – 979-337-4553

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