With supply problems continuing, some in the construction business are turning to auctions for heavy equipment.
Compass Auctions' Day 1 auction scheduled for July 27 at 10 a.m. will feature a range of heavy equipment .
Officials said, "Due to the pandemic, the production of heavy machinery has slowed down tremendously causing construction projects to come to a near halt. Demand for construction starts has outnumbered the supply for new heavy equipment causing a rise in retail prices. Companies are now looking for alternative places to acquire essential equipment. Compass has partnered with trusted consignors to provide over 40 pieces of well-maintained heavy equipment for this month’s auction.
"Purchasing heavy equipment at auction allows companies to obtain quality equipment without suffering from inflated dealership prices. Better yet, workers will be able to get their job done quicker."
Some of the machines in the auction are:
· 2018 Broce BW260 Sweeper
· 2016 Power Screen Warrior 800 W/ 2600 Hours
· 2014 Kobelco SK500 Excavator
· 2013 Hyundai Robex 300LC-9A Excavator W/ 5300 Hours
· 2005 Komatsu GD655-3C
“Bidders have secured CAT, Volvo, and John Deere equipment at our auctions and had it in use within 10 days,” Chris Wood, general sales manager at Compass Auctions, said. “That’s phenomenal compared to the 12 or 18-month wait that a number of buyers are experiencing if purchased from a dealer.”
Compass has posted additional information regarding the items listed above on their website. More lots will be added to the catalog leading up to auction day, so it is encouraged that interested bidders check back often throughout the next few weeks.
To view the full catalog and to check out other upcoming auctions, visit soldoncompass.com. To contact a Compass team member directly, call (800) 729-6466 or email info@soldoncompass.com . To keep up with the latest Compass Auctions news, follow them on Facebook: Compass Auctions and Real Estate and Instagram: @soldoncompass
NOTICE: The Hamilton County Register’s Office did not publish this data. All information in the Register’s Office is public information as set out in T.C.A. 10-7-503. For questions regarding ... (click for more)
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