In keeping with the intent of Labor Day, Mount Airy’s sanitation personnel will not be running routes on that holiday honoring the American worker with a day of rest and relaxation.
This will include no yard waste collections on Monday. The next such pickups are scheduled for Sept.
Wheeler Funeral Home - Oakland26 Church StreetOakland, ME
CLIFTON SKIP KIMBALL HAMMOND 1927-2022 BELGRADE Clifton Skip Kimball Hammond, 94, native and longtime resident of Belgrade, completed his life journey peacefully on September 3, 2022, due to natural causes. Born in Belgrade on
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New Jersey (United States) – The CNC High Precision Tools Market research report provides all the information related to the industry. It gives the market’s outlook by giving authentic data to its client, which helps to make essential d
A recent report on the global Woodworking Machines market published by Market Reports provides a global overview and opportunity evaluation for the time. The study provides a thorough examination of the main market trends. To forecast the growth of the Woodworking Machines with the greate
It is clear that a lot of attention is focused on the Rugby World Cup 7s in Cape Town, South Africa. Especially that 29-5 win over Wales in our opener in the men’s competition. The Fijiana also came off with a blinder against Japan 36-7.
What a start! And what about that beauty by Sevu
JJ Smith officially unveiled a new fully-programmable single end tenoner at the recent W14 exhibition which attracted a great deal of interest with the model on demonstration actually being sold on the first day of the show.
The Dutch built Duin ProSet has been developed in close collabo
An attendee at the GADgET Girls Camp at College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Ill., applies some finishing touches to a part on a lathe.
Noor Raham has only been alive for a decade, but she's always known she wants to be an engineer.
“I’ve been into engineering ever since I was you
September 8, 2022 – “What I most like about machining is how you can take a blank piece of material and basically turn it into anything you want; it’s endless possibilities,” says Noah Smith, one of the first ACE bootcamp participants outside Tennessee.
He and 19 others are among
Chris Holmes launched Liverpool-based Virtuopo in 2020.
The company provides specialist livestreaming and virtual event production expertise for brands, businesses and organisations across a wide range sectors from ecommerce, sport and music to professional services, healthcare and autom
Founded in 1905 in Michigan, USA, Herman Miller is a design led office and home furniture manufacturer. The company’s purpose reflects the desire of all its brands to leverage the power of design to improve people’s lives – its mission is to pursue design for the good of humankind. In li