Outside Circle by Jan Swan Wood: Bucking ponies, county fair events, ranch rodeos, ranch bronc riding, ranch roping clinic | TSLN.com

2022-07-22 20:17:19 By : Ms. Lindy Lim

It’s been hotter than a $2 pistol lately. I hate to gripe too much though, as our neighbors to the south have been in the oven on broil for weeks on end. The green grass in my area sure cured out with the heat and the wind, though. I enjoyed the green while it lasted. Haying is going along well for most. A few had to get the manuals out and read over them to remember how to run their haying machinery, but it all came back to them.

Buzzard Bait Bucking Ponies will be at Elgin, N.D. on July 30, 6 p.m. Entries are open now and close July 27.

There will also be bulls at the events. To enter the ponies, call Kerry at 701-880-8372. To enter the bulls, call Hunter at 612-223-0759.

The Custer Co. Fair Playday, Hermosa, S.D., will be Aug. 14. Entries are open now through Aug. 5. The footraces will be run at 12:30 p.m., sharp, with the playday starting at 1 p.m. The event is open to ages 3-18 with four divisions. Entry forms can be found on http://www.custercountyfair.com.

Gordon Livestock’s Open Horse Sale will be Aug. 9 after the cattle sale. The Sept. 18 Catalog Horse Sale is taking consignments now through Aug. 5. To learn more, call Link Thompson at 308-282-9998, Gordon Livestock Office at 308-282-1171 or go to http://www.gordonlivestock.com for the forms.

Isabel, S.D. is having a big weekend with lots of events. Aug. 5 will be a ranch rodeo, ranch broncs, and mutton bustin’. To enter the ranch rodeo or ranch broncs, call Lane Alley at 605-850-1377. The mutton bustin’ will be at 4:30, calcutta for the ranch rodeo at 5 p.m., and a steak feed from 6 to 8:30 p.m. On Aug. 6-7 there will be rodeo performances, plus a dance Saturday night, calf scramble during the rodeo performances, and Sunday night a bronc wild ride. For more info in general, call Brady Burress at 605-466-2375.

The Custer Co. Fair Dummy Roping for the young wolves, will be Aug. 12, enter at 4:30, rope at 6 p.m. There’s a $5 entry fee, 100% payback, with four age divisions for ages 0-13. For more information call Jim at 605-209-8064.

Sperry Quarter Horses is going to have the annual sale at the ranch near Trotters, N.D. on Aug. 14. The catalog can be viewed on-line and other pertinent information is on their site as well. Go to http://www.sperryhorses.com.

The Camp Crook Bronc Match will be Aug. 19 with the calcutta at 2:30 and bronc riding at 3 p.m. A Stray Gathering and kids events will be held between sections of bronc riding too. To enter stray gathering, call Karen Stevenson at 605-641-1224. On the 21, there’s the Camp Crook Roping Club Fair Rodeo at 11 a.m. To enter it, you also call Karen.

There’s a Ranch Roping clinic Aug. 19-22 at Worden, Mont. With Joe Wolters and Scott Grosskopf. It’s limited enrollment and a deposit is required to hold a spot. Folks can audit for $30/day. For more informaton or the get enrolled, call Buckaroo Business at 406=252-5000 or Jimmie Wolter at 806-777-2766.

White River Ranch Rodeo, Ranch Broncs and Mini Broncs will be Aug. 20, 6 p.m., CDT, at White River, S.D. There’s $500 added for both ranch rodeo and ranch broncs, plus a calcutta on both. Entry fee for ranch broncs is $50. To enter call Matt Hight at 605-685-5601, and to enter mini broncs call Donna Green at 605-530-0989. Minis are taking 20 entries at $20.

The next Sheridan Vaquero Ranch Roping Series roping will be Aug. 20 at Mefford Arena, Sheridan, Wyo. Enter before the 11 a.m. start time. Open, 2 picked teams, 2 draw teams, novice for beginners and kids.

CSRHA and NRHA will be having shows at KPH Arena in Gillette, Wyo on Aug. 20 and 21. Aug. 20 is a Funday with CSRHA classes. Aug. 21 is NRHA and CSRHA Funday and classes. Ranch Trail classes open to novice youth. For info, call Nancy Pfeiffer at 402-641-4163.

The Xtreme Bronc Finals will be Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. at the Central States Fairgrounds, Rapid City, S.D. Advance tickets would be a good idea.

Well, that’s my circle for another week. It’s been a hot, dry one, but the long range forecast suggests some rain by the end of the month. I hope it’s right. Please pray for rain, our nation and may God bless America.

>BELLE NIGHT RODEO SERIES: Every Tuesday in May, Roundup Grounds, Belle Fourche, S.D.

>BELLE JACKPOT ASSOCIATION: July 27, Aug.3 rain date,

>BIG SKY RODEO SERIES: Tuesdays, 6 p.m., June 7-Sept. 13, Lone Mountain Ranch, Big Sky, Mont.

>BREAKAWAY AND MULEY SLIDE: July 31, Aug. 14, 21, Lander, Wyo.

>BROOMSTICK 4D BARREL/POLE SERIES: July 27; Aug. 3, Winner, S.D.



>CHASE THE ACE barrel/breakaway series: July 31; Aug. 6, Sept. 5 (finals) New Underwood, S.D.

> CRUSHIN’ CANS ROPIN’ CALVES series: July 25, Aug. 15, Oelrichs, S.D.

> DOBLAR’S ARENA ROPINGS: Aug. 14, Madison, S.D.

>DUBOIS NIGHT RODEOS: July 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19, Dubois, Wyo.

> FLANDREAU BARREL SERIES: July 29, Aug. 5, 14,Flandreau, S.D.

> GIDDY UP OPEN HORSE CLUB:Western Dressage show Oct. 1; Open Horse Show Sept. 10, Thunder Horse Stables, Rapid City, S.D.

> HELL ON WHEELS CHUCKWAGON DINNER AND RODEO: Aug.19, 26, Archer Arena, Cheyenne, Wyo.

>HERMOSA ROPING CLUB TEAM ROPING SERIES: July 29, Aug. 5, 19, finals Aug. 28, Hermosa, S.D.

>HETTINGER YOUTH RODEO SERIES: Aug. 3, 5 p.m., Hettinger, N.D.


>KAYCEE NIGHT RODEO: July 29, Aug. 19, 26, Kaycee, Wyo.

>LAZY E-G PLAYDAY SERIES: July 28, Aug. 4, Dupree, S.D.

>LONGMIRE NIGHT RODEO: Aug. 10, 17, 21, Buffalo, Wyo.

> MJ PRODUCTIONS SUMMER RODEO NIGHTS: finals Aug. 11, CamPlex, Gillette, Wyo.

>MT. RUSHMORE RODEO AT PALMER GULCH: Aug. 4, 20, 27, 6 p.m., Hill City, S.D.

>PITCHIN’ TWINE AT THE STATELINE ROPING SERIES: July 26, Aug. 9, 23(finals), Sidney, Mont.


> PRUITT ARENA BREAKAWAY AND TIE DOWN ROPING: every other Tuesday starting June 7, Pruitt Arena, Gering, Neb.

> PRUITT ARENA THURSDAY NIGHT BARRELS: June 2 through Aug. 25, Gering, Neb.

>BOOTS AND SADDLE CLUB: Aug. 28, Sept. 11, Rapid City, S.D.

> SADDLE UP RODEO SERIES: July 30, Aug. 13, finals Sept. 17, Wagner, S.D.

>SANDHILLS SUMMER SERIES: Aug. 3, Haythorn Arena, Arthur, Neb.

>SHERIDAN COWGIRLS ASSOC. RODEO series: July 28, Aug. 11, Sheridan, Wyo.

>SHERIDAN VAQUERO RANCH ROPING SERIES: Aug.20, Mefford Arena, Sheridan, Wyo., finals Sept. 3, Buffalo, Wyo.

>TILTRUM’S CIRCLE T ARENA Team Roping Practice: Friday nights, Hermosa, S.D.


> N.D. State Fair Championship Bull Riding and Ranch Broncs, July 25-26, Minot, N.D.

> Sundance Ranch Rodeo, July 26, 6 p.m., Sundance, Wyo.

> WC Youth Mini Rough Stock Rodeo, July 26, Weston Co. Fairgrounds, Newcastle, Wyo.

> Sheridan Co. Fair and Rodeo Tuesday Night Ranch Event, July 26, Gordon, Neb.

> Youth Rough Stock Rodeo, July 28, 5:30 p.m., Sundance, Wyo.

> 2nd Annual South Dakota Elite Horse Sale, July 30, Martin Arena, Sturgis, S.D.

> Buzzard Bait Bucking Ponies and Bulls, July 30, Elgin, N.D.

> Butte-Lawrence Co. Fair, Aug. 1-6, Nisland, S.D.

> Perkins Co. Fair Ranch Rodeo, Aug. 4, 6 p.m., Bison, S.D.

> Butte-Lawrence Co. Fair Ranch Rodeo, Aug. 4, 6 p.m., Nisland, S.D.

> Isabel Ranch Rodeo, Ranch Broncs, Mutton Bustin’, Aug. 5, Isabel, S.D.

> Isabel Rodeo, Dance, Wild Ride, Aug. 6-7, Isabel, S.D.

> WSRRA Ranch Bronc Riding, Aug. 5-6, 7 p.m., Lewellyn, Neb.

> Tom Curtin Horsemanship and Ranch Roping Clinic, Aug. 5-7, Custer, Mont.

> Butte-Lawrence Co. Fair Youth Rodeo, Aug. 6, 9 a.m., Nisland, S.D.

> Indian Relay Races, Aug. 7, Dodson, Mont.

> Gordon Livestock Open Horse Sale, Aug. 9, Gordon, Neb.

> Broadus High School Rodeo Challenge, Aug. 9, 6 p.m., Broadus, Mont.

> 112th Annual Faith Stock Show and Rodeo, Aug. 9-14, Faith, S.D.

> Custer Co. Fair Dummy Roping, Aug. 12, Hermosa, S.D.

> Coy Hepper Memorial Invitational, Aug. 12, McKenzie Co. Fairgrounds, Watford City, N.D.

> 3rd Annual Brian Curtis Memorial Bull Riding, Aug. 12, 6:30 p.m., Belle Fourche, S.D.

> 3rd Annual Tom Horn Days, Aug. 12-14, Bosler, Wyo.

> 3rd Annual Ride For the Brand Ranch Bronc Riding, Aug. 13, Hermosa, S.D.

> Select Catalog Horse Sale, Aug. 13, Martin, S.D.

> Sperry Quarter Horses Horse Sale, Aug. 14, Sperry Ranch, Trotters, N.D.

> Custer Co. Fair Playday, Aug. 14, Hermosa, S.D.

> Camp Crook Bronc Match, Aug. 19, 2:30 p.m., Camp Crook, S.D.

> Joe Wolter/Scott Grosskopf Ranch Roping Clinic, Aug. 19-22, Worden, Mont.

> Ranch Rodeo, Ranch Broncs, Mini Broncs, Aug. 20, White River, S.D.

> Xtreme Bronc Finals, Aug. 20, 6 p.m., Central States Fairgrounds, Rapid City, S.D.

> Black Hills Stock Show Summer Horse Sale, Aug. 21, Event Center, Rapid City, S.D.

> All Girls Breakaway and Team Ropoing, Aug. 22-23, James Kjerstad Event Center, Rapid City, S.D.

> Interior Ranch Rodeo, Ranch Broncs, Pork Smoke Off and Dance, Aug. 26, 6 p.m., Interior, S.D.

> James Heald Memorial Ranch Rodeo, Aug. 27, 2 p.m., Recluse, Wyo.

> Get The Green 4D Barrel Race, Aug. 27-28, Roundup Grounds, Belle Fourche, S.D.

> Mike Major Ranch Riding Clinic, Aug. 27-28, Wheatland, Wyo.

> RQHBA Horse Futurity and Sale, Aug. 28, Cadillac Ranch, Belle Fourche, S.D.

> SDRCHA Futurity, Derby, Bridle Spectacular, Aug. 31-Sept. 4, Event Center, Rapid City, S.D.

> Don King Days, Sept. 4-5, Big Horn Equestrian Center, Big Horn, Wyo.

> 41st Fizz Bomb Classic Barrel Race, Sept. 8-11, CamPlex, Gillette, Wyo.

> 23rd Annual Breeders Classic Horse Sale, Sept. 9, 6 p.m., Mobridge, S.D.

> Full House Big Horn Edition Horse Sale, Sept. 9, Buffalo, Wyo.

> AK Horse Sale, Sept. 12, Belle Fourche, S.D.

> 25th Annual Stirling Family Ranch Rodeo and Ranch Broncs, Sept. 17, Ft. Pierre, S.D.

> Sugar Bars Legacy Futurity and Sale, Sept. 17-18, Sheridan, Wyo.

> Gordon Livestock Catalog Horse Sale, Sept. 18, Gordon, Neb.

> Championship of Champion Indian Relays, Sept. 23-25, Ft. Pierre, S.D.

> Fall Extravaganza Horse Sale, Sept. 24, Central States Fairgrounds, Rapid City, S.D.

> Horse Racing, Oct. 1-2, Stanley Co. Fairgrounds, Ft. Pierre, S.D.

It’s been hotter than a $2 pistol lately. I hate to gripe too much though, as our neighbors to the south have been in the oven on broil for weeks on end. The green grass…

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