Man Creates Gorgeous Table That Perfectly Camouflages Your Porch Packages - Home & Garden News

2022-09-16 20:32:22 By : Ms. Aling Zhang

You can never be too cautious these days. Especially when it comes to protecting your home and keeping mail and packages safe from porch pirates. Although some mailboxes are indestructible, others are an easy target.

TikTok creator @blake.kinsman came up with a genius idea about how to camouflage a mailbox or package drop on his porch.

It's like a mirage! All Blake did, was turn a small table into a camouflaged drop-box for his packages. You can find one of these small tables for a low price at IKEA or at Goodwill, of course. You would need spray paint, some extra wood, and tools handy, such as a drill to make the top part function like a door. You would also need an electric saw, so you can cut the wood appropriately to cover the side of the table. You can get the wood from Home Depot, and if you don't own an electric saw, you can also get everything cut customized to your liking, as long as you know the dimensions of your illusion box table. The next step is cutting the mirror so it fits inside the box and gives the illusion of the exterior of the house. Although cutting the mirror looks easy, as Blake demonstrates in his video, I would recommend also getting that cut at your nearest Home Depot if you are inexperienced, like me. Last but not least, attach a little plant on top with a note for deliveries, so they know where to place them. And that's all there is to it. 

Although this seems like a genius idea to many, some TikTok users mentioned the mirror to be razor sharp and dangerous for the delivery person, others said that it wouldn't work, porch pirates would probably try to steal the plant on top or something else. At least it's worth a try.