AEW Dark Announcers: Excalibur and Taz
-Excalibur and Taz on the call, welcoming us to the show.
(1) JAY LETHAL (w/Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh) vs. JAKE SOMETHING
Something got right into the face of Singh on the apron, which allowed Lethal to attack before the bell. Lethal hit a stalling vertical suplex, but Something popped right up and took out Lethal with a body block. Lethal went to the floor and Something hit a huge dive over the top. Something stared down Singh again, but the delay led to him missing a shoulder in the corner. Lethal Combination connected and Lethal went for the figure four, but Something got an inside cradle for two. After a few reverse whips, Something hit a charging corner shoulder to the midsection for another two. Something looked for a superplex, Lethal fought out and hit a top rope elbow. Sonjay Dutt jumped on the apron and demanded another, which Lethal obliged. The Lethal Injection hits and Lethal got the easy win. Post match, Dutt & Lethal put the boots to Something, while Singh flattened him with a big boot and chokeslam.
(Howard’s Analysis: Statement victory for Jay Lethal, who told the camera he hates Samoa Joe and hopes Joe is watching. The history of those two has been the perfect build for their inevitable showdown. Jake Something looked good in his brief moments of offense and I hope this isn’t the last we see of him in AEW.)
Man Scout Manning read his Scout manual prior to the match and Taz said that would make sense if he was wrestling Bear Country. Manning tossed the book to Reynolds and got a cheap shot, but Reynolds popped up and dropped Manning with a dropkick. Reynolds went to the second, but Manning shoved him hard down to the floor. Russian leg sweep back inside got Manning a two count. Reynolds avoided a corner splash, hit a charging forearm and corkscrew uppercut. Reynolds hit a cut throat neckbreaker, but got two. Manning tried a home run shot using his manual, as Reynolds hit a huge right hand that flattened Manning to give him the win. Post match, 10 & Evil Uno came to the stage to celebrate with Reynolds, but were attacked by Cezar Bononi & Tiger Ruas, who are their opponents later tonight.
(Howard Analysis: I don’t know what was better, Manning try to use a paperback book as a weapon or Reynolds holding the book up and looking into the camera telling us he can’t read. Either way, this was a fun little AEW comedy match.)
-A commercial for the next HEY!(EW) with RJ City on Youtube is shown with Arn Anderson is shown. RJ offered a gift to Arn and loaded up an imaginary musket, to which Arn asked if it was a bong. If you haven’t started watching RJ City’s show, I can’t recommend it enough, they’re hysterical and a great way to start off the week.
-Jora Johl cuts a promo about how Matt Hardy offered him a spot in H.F.O. but never got opportunities as a result. Johl said it’s a mistake to trust everyone you meet and Matt never even said anything when he left him. Andrade is his new boss and hopes he sees the talent that Matt never saw.
(3) THE GUNN CLUB (Austin & Colten Gunn) vs. WARREN J & ZACK ZILLA
Austin slowly picked apart J after Billy tripped him to pop the crowd and annoy his sons. With Colten in the ring, Austin keeps thrusting his hips at the crowd from the apron to the disgust of his father. The chants of Ass Boys ring out to make Danhausen happy somewhere I’m sure, as J hit a jawbreaker on Colten and hot tag to Zilla, who cleaned house. Zilla tagged J after about 20 seconds; hit a pop up splash and slingshot splash, but only got a two count. Zilla was sent to the floor from Colten, as Austin hit the Quickdraw on J for the win.
WINNERS: The Gunn Club in 3:30
(Howard’s Analysis: Quick win for the Ass Boys, who undoubtedly made their father, Bill Ass, proud.)
(4) SHAWN DEAN vs. SERPENTICO (w/Luther)
Nice early exchange that ended in a few arm drags variations and dropkick from Dean. Serpentico was trapped in the corner, ate ten punches and a back suplex for two. Serpentico briefly took the ref, which let Luther trip up Dean and crotch him on the post. Yam-bag Yahtzee as Taz called it. Chaos Project did it again, as Luther drove Dean into the railing and body slammed Dean on the edge of the apron. Serpentico hit a slingshot double stomp and slingshot senton for two. Dean started his comeback with kicks, but Serpentico popped a superkick and couldn’t believe it as he got another two. Luther demanded Serpentico go up top and promptly missed a double foot stomp then ran into a big back drop. Dean hit a sliding forearm to the back of the head for a close near fall. Serpentico recovered enough to hit a leaping Flatliner to get another two. Luther ordered a Luther Bomb, but Serpentico couldn’t do it. Luther held onto Dean on the apron, but Serpentico hit his partner with a kick instead. Dean got a backslide for two, then a cradle fisherman’s driver for the victory.
(Howard’s Analysis: Taz randomly informed us during this match he plans on buying a submarine soon, so who says AEW Dark doesn’t have Breaking News? Way too much stuff was crammed into the end of this match that Taz seemingly tapped out on commentary. Maybe he was doing research on submarines? These two had a good match, even with the comedy stuff with Luther screeching as the soundtrack to it.)
(5) BROCK ANDERSON & LEE JOHNSON (w/Arn Anderson) vs. BRICK CITY BOYZ (Victor Chase & Julio Cruz)
Cruz was isolated out the gate with Johnson & Anderson zoned in on the left arm and making frequent tags. Chase made the tag and immediately brought Anderson to his corner and dropped him with a hot shot. The tables turned as it was Cruz & Chase who made fast tags, but Anderson floated over a double suplex attempt and got the tag to Johnson, who ran wild. Johnson hit a snap float over suplex on Chase, while Anderson flattened Cruz with a spinebuster. Johnson hit a superkick, while Anderson hit a gord buster on Chase to get the three.
WINNERS: Brock Anderson & Lee Johnson in 3:30
(Howard’s Analysis: More of this from Anderson & Johnson, who continue to get reps on AEW Dark & AEW Dark Elevation, which is a perfect way to get experience. I like that it’s not a complete squash with them, as they have to fight from behind at least a little during each of these matches.)
Fresh off the heels of one of her biggest wins in AEW against Emi Sakura on Elevation, Abadon was flattened by a cross body from Dreamboat, but Abadon rose from the dead. Dreamboat turned her back long enough to run right into a massive Abadon lariat. With Dreamboat mounted and eating punches, Abadon stalked down referee Aubrey for making her break at 5. Abadon hit a nice axe kick, running senton and Black Dahlia to give Abadon another victory.
(Howard’s Analysis: With this win, Abadon is now 34-3 in AEW and I’m baffled how she’s not in some sort of feud at this point. Don’t get me wrong, Abadon squashes rule, but I liked the match with Emi Sakura and want more of that from the Living Dead Girl.)
(7) JORA JOHL (w/Angelico) vs. TRIP JORDY
Someone actually yelled at Trip to do his best prior to the match, which popped Taz. Johl immediately beat poor Trip out of the gate. Johl questions who brought Trip here, as Trip made his comeback off a suplex. Trip hit a dropkick, went for a tilt a whirl head scissors and was countered with a Big Ending. Johl didn’t initially follow up, but did hit a sit out fireman’s carry slam. A huge pump kick ultimately won it for Johl.
(Howard’s Analysis: As someone from the Midwest, Dasha mispronouncing Ankeny, Iowa hurt a little bit. Johl looked solid in this one, as this was I think the first time anyone from the A.F.O. has accompanied him to the ring. I always forget Johl is part of this faction and at least this sort of gives him a little cred with Angelico out there.)
(8) KIERA HOGAN (w/Red Velvet) vs. SKYE BLUE
Blue rushed Hogan with a shotgun dropkick at the bell and got off a few arm drags until Hogan bailed outside for a reset. As the chase was on, Hogan took the ref, Velvet tripped up Blue and Hogan hit a neckbreaker through the ropes for two. Hogan connected with a sliding single leg dropkick in the corner for another near fall. Hogan hit a very cool ripcord lungblower that got another two. Taz accidentally called referee Paul Turner as Paul Shaffer and Excalibur lost it. It’s difficult to tell the difference between an AEW referee and David Letterman’s band leader. Skye made her comeback with a somersault delayed kick, but went to the top for a dive and Hogan hit a superkick in mid air for a close two. Again Hogan took the ref, which let Velvet clock Skye with the money fan, as Skye stumbled back and ate a Buzzsaw Kick to give Hogan the win.
(Howard’s Analysis: This was a fun match with The Baddies showing there’s strength in numbers. If Skye wants any chance to gain any revenge on Hogan & Velvet, then she’s going to need some back up.)
(9) AARON SOLO & NICK COMOROTO (w/QT Marshall, Brick Aldridge & Blake Li) vs. THE DKC & KEVIN KNIGHT
DKC & Solo started with a quick scrap until Knight made the tag and hit a double shoulder block for two. Fast back and forth with Solo & Knight with Knight getting a huge arm drag off the top and standing splash for another two. Comoroto made the tag and no sold the strikes from Knight, who went for a springboard cross body, but Comoroto swatted him in mid air like a fly. A suplex dropkick combo got Solo a two count, as he took the ref, sent Knight to the floor and QT got in his cheap shot. The crowd reacted to something and Taz played it off like they were reacting to Excalibur “you stuck your finger in your ear and went ting-a-ling-a-loo!” is literally a line uttered by The Human Suplex Machine and it broke Excalibur. Knight was launched outside by Comoroto, who got a running start and posted himself as a result. Solo had to shove his large partner inside to get the tag and DKC made the hot tag with chops. DKC had Solo in a Sister Abigail position and unleashed chop after chop. DKC & Knight tried a double suplex on Comoroto, who suplexed both of them instead. DKC got a roll up and Knight hit an uppercut for a near fall. The match broke down with DKC hitting a leg lariat off the top on Comoroto, but the big man caught DKC on a dive outside. QT tripped up Knight to distract him long enough for Solo to hit a corkscrew kick and Comoroto with a Spear for the three. Post match, QT offered both guys a spot in The Factory, which they turned down and got beaten up as a result. The Factory set up tables on the floor and DKC was double choke slammed off the apron by Comoroto & Aldridge. Knight was surrounded, but Clark Connors, Karl Fredricks, Alex Coughlin & Yuya Uemura all hit the ring to run off The Factory. This was great stuff.
WINNERS: Aaron Solo & Nick Comoroto in 8:30
(Howard’s Analysis: Action packed tag team match and the match of the night in my opinion. These four guys crammed a whole lot into the time given and I dug it quite a bit. DKC & Knight always are entertaining on New Japan Strong and tonight was no different. I’m really looking forward to the 10 man tag happening soon with the LA Dojo Boys vs. The Factory. I think this should’ve been the main event of the show to be honest.)
Priest got a fast start with a few strikes and snap suplex, but Raju got a leg sweep to gain control. Raju hit a twisting suplex and follow up fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Raju worked a wrist lock, but charged in the corner and ate a big boot. Priest hit a release German, but Raju responded by draping Priest quads first over the top and Priest nearly landed horribly wrong. Raju hit a top rope double stomp for the win.
(Howard’s Analysis: Quick little win for Raju here, who I wouldn’t mind see putting together a nice win streak on AEW Dark going forward. That draping suplex on the ropes was gnarly, luckily Priest appeared alright.)
(11) 10 & EVIL UNO (w/-1) vs. CEZAR BONONI & TIGER RUAS
Uno attacked at the bell to get revenge for the sneak attack earlier tonight and avoided kicks from Ruas. Both power men tagged in with Bononi & 10 going to battle with shoulder blocks. 10 got a boot up in the corner and hit a shoulder off the second rope. Ruas made the tag and immediately was flap jacked and Dark Order started making quick tags. Bononi was clotheslined to the floor and 10 was tripped up, pulled outside and thrown into the railing. Ruas wrapped up Uno, as Bononi dropped a knee off the ropes. A rib breaker, running knee from Ruas got a two count. Uno wisely tried to get free by stomping on the bare feet of Ruas, who lit up Uno with strikes and deadlift German. -1 jumped on the apron and kicked the ankle of Bononi, who nearly chased after the Dark Order leader. As this was happening, Uno fought off Ruas and made the hot tag to 10. Ruas ate a series of pump kicks, 10 hit a spinebuster, Uno with a senton off the top, but Bononi broke up the pin. Bononi wiped out Uno on the floor, while Ruas hit a pump knee and Bononi did a slingshot on 10 into a corkscrew kick from Ruas for two. Uno pulled Bononi to the floor and hit a dropkick, as Ruas foolishly turned his attention to the floor and 10 got a Full Nelson for the submission.
WINNERS: 10 & Evil Uno in 8:30
(Howard’s Analysis: Very fun main event that was filled with action. Uno & 10 could be a fun duo with Stu Grayson sadly no longer with the company. I wouldn’t mind seeing them tag up again. Ruas & Bononi I’d like to see more of as well, as they looked solid as a duo, having only teamed a handful of times previously.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a enjoyable episode of AEW Dark tonight with everything you’d really want in it. You had your standard squashes, a couple of competitive singles matches and some very fun tag matches. Not to mention we are building to a 10 man tag match soon between The Factory & LA Dojo, which was Match of the Night this evening. Having the New Japan Strong boys on Dark is a great idea and one I hope doesn’t stop after this set of tapings. I’d love to see Alex Coughlin, Karl Fredericks, Clark Connors, DKC, Kevin Knight & Yuya Uemura on Dark a lot more.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S AEW DARK TV REPORT: 5/3 AEW DARK TV REPORT: Toni Storm vs. Diamante, Varsity Blonds vs. Workhorsemen, more
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