For Sale: John Deere MX8 shredder, 8’, (2) to choose from $3500 OBO ; Wanted: 22-24’ Bay boat, outboard motor – 979-716-2385
For Sale: bulls left after herd dispersal – 3 yr. old registered Brangus, bred by Oak Creek Farms $2500 and 20 mo. old pureblood Angus, bred by Double Creek Farm $3500 – 979-551-3406
Garage Sale: Thur. and Fri. 8a-6p and Sat. 9a-1p 16392 Fordtran Blvd. (Industry) ; multi-family
For Sale: 44 Farm registered Angus bull, will be 2 yrs. old in September, herd bull w/ no vices, breeding and structurally sound, mild temperament, stays put $4500 OBO – 713-249-3760
For Sale: Whirlpool stainless steel stove, gas ; Kenmore portable dishwasher, black ; Gracco bassinet, like new, move and soothe – 979-836-4562
For Sale: ’13 Ford truck, 4WD, 4-door, white $22,500 ; leather loveseat $150 – 979-551-0604
For Sale: dining table, 60x42”, fully extended, hide a leaf that goes to 78x42”, (8) chairs w/ cloth seats, dark brown color $275 ; (2) leather recliners, beige, great cond. $250/both ; glider chair w/ matching stool, light brown color, exce. cond. $200 ; all purchase from Schleider Furniture, can send pictures – 979-251-0430 after 10a
For Sale: Wheat pennies from the 1930’s, 40’s, and ‘50’s, bags of (500) $20, smaller or larger amounts avail. – 979-203-4552 call or text
Personal: affordable lawn service – mowing, weed eating, blowing, etc., great prices, FREE est. – 979-270-3971 call or text
Personal: general clean-up, gutter cleaning, fence painting, pressure washing, lawn mowing, flower bed and fence line clean up, tree cutting and trimming, moving, load and unload U-Hauls, demolition of old houses and barns, low, low, cost services, FREE est. – 979-203-3447
Personal: towing, wash trailers/cars/trucks, incl. int. shampooing, will come to you, all types of pressure washing for houses/driveways/mobile homes/etc., work on flower beds, rake leaves, sm. lawn service, haul trash and junk, move all appliances and furniture – 979-451-7762
Personal: construction and Handy Man services, NO job too small, 20 yrs. exp., lots of references – 979-830-3536 Ray
Personal: Handy man Services – wood floors, tile, tree trimming, painting , FREE Est. -- 979-551-6657 call or text
Personal: Handy Man services, 25 yrs. exp. – sheetrock, framing, windows, patio, deck, roofing, painting, electrical, plumbing, add-ons, and more – 979-347-7468
Personal: house cleaning, free est. – 979-525-3615
Personal: tractor work, lot and pasture shredding, tilling gardens and food plots, loader and box blade work – 979-256-7512 call or text
For Sale: canning jars, all sizes $0.50 ea. ; chest freezer, 21.5”, 41”x34” $200 ; Pachinko arcade machines $125 ea. ; 8’ picnic table w/ (2) 8’ benches $100 – 979-830-7805
Personal: mobile detailing, hand wash and wax, shampoo carpets, treat leather seats, clean RVs/travel trailers/boats/semis, acid wash aluminum horse and stock trailers, polishing, pressure washing, have references – 979-203-4492
Personal: custom shredding, sm. acreage and sm. lots – 979-551-6360
For FREE: (2) Curr/Blue Heeler mix pups, male and female – 979-203-7187
FOUND: med. size dog, Black/Tan or tri-color, furry, on Old Chappell Hill Rd., skiddish – 979-530-7421 NO TEXTING
Wanted: house to rent in Brenham or Bellville area – 979-357-2365
Personal: all types of hauling, general clean-up, tree trimming, tear down old sheds/barns/houses ; Wanted: junk cars and trucks in any cond., non-working farm equipment, appliances, riding mowers, a/cs – 979-251-4585 anytime
Personal: complete tree removal, stump grinding, planting, lot and fence clearing, landscaping, pressure washing, fence painting, trash and debris removal, fence repair, moving, and more ; For Sale: firewood – mesquite, pecan, post oak, hickory – 979-203-5249
For FREE: GE refrigerator ; (2) night stands ; pole lamp ; (2) glass tables w/ lamp ; desk w/ (5) sm. drawers and (1) lg. drawer – 979-337-4275 CALL ASAP
Wanted: 65-70HP cab tractor w/ loader, any brand – 979-530-7393
Wanted: standing basketball goal, complete – 979-337-2948
For FREE: (2) Lab mix pups, males, about 1 yr. old, black – 979-551-6259
For Sale: 20” boys Mongoose “Rebel” bike $60 ; (2) filter cartridges for above ground pool $11 – 979-277-5952
For Sale: girls 18” pink bike $25 ; kids Barbie scooter $8 ; kids tricycle $8 ; 3-tier glass TV stand, heavy $40 ; wood/glass end table $15 – 979-277-8845
Personal: plumbing and repairs – 979-661-1352
Personal: tree trimming, complete tree removal, hedge trimming, clean flower beds, clean fence lines, will travel to surrounding areas – 979-551-3012 SERIOUS CALLS ONLY
Wanted: wood paneling ; Personal: personal care assistance openings, Tuesday and Friday – 979-203-9811
For Sale: pick up disc, on (2) tires, (2) hydraulic lines, 7’ ; (2) propane tanks, 150 gal. and 250 gal. – 979-716-0377
For Sale: ’03 Arctic Cat 300cc 4-wheeler, starts and runs, brakes may need work, NO title, has bill of sale, can send pictures $1200 – 936-306-5564
For Sale: Brahman bull, 3 yrs. old, kid friendly ; goats – 979-277-8794
For Sale: burn barrels ; (2) generators, lg. heavy duty and smaller one ; ’74 Ford Galaxy 500, less than 31K mi. ; upright freezer ; Frigidaire side x side refrigerator ; Whirlpool electric stove, white, works ; Personal: any kind of fence line and debris clean-up, plus hauling – 979-203-1971
Wanted: good, working car ; sm. apartment/house to RENT – 979-530-3023
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