SouthernTech offers Teacher Technology Days – Daily Ardmoreite

2022-06-04 01:42:00 By : Mr. Eric Zhang

Heavy Equipment Operation Instructor Brian Brown explains how to work a backhoe. Drew Butler

Local educators became the students on Tuesday and Wednesday as they visited SouthernTech for Teacher Technology Days. While there, they were able to get personal experience with some of the many programs the career and technology center has to offer.

Marketing Coordinator Erica Gay said the hands-on experience allows the educators to better advise their students about SouthernTech’s courses

“Teacher Technology Days is for the counselors, administrators and teachers at any of the area schools that our in our district,” she said. “When teachers and counselors know what’s being offered, they can more adequately advise their students. This gives them more direction, and an idea of what actually happens in the classrooms of SouthernTech.”

Some of the courses the educators got to sample included heavy equipment operation, welding, and carpentry. The welding and carpentry sessions even went together with the teachers building a wooden planter to hold the metal flower they welded together.

Teacher Technology Days also allowed the teachers to meet SouthernTech instructors such as Welding Instructor Jason Sampson who has been a welder for over 30 years.

“Most of our programs are hands on, so it’s really important that you know your trade,” Gay said. “You can’t get much better than 30 years on the job.”

While these two days are aimed at high school faculty to help guide their students, Gay pointed out that SouthernTech has classes and courses for all ages of people wanting to learn new skills. In fact this fall, they will be offering a cabinet making program and welding class in the evening.

“We’re offering an evening welding class for the first time this fall,” Gay said. “We’re also doing an evening cabinet making program. This will be the first time that we offer an evening class that aligns with the carpentry program that we offer during the day.”