Local landscaping business, which embodies CASE's commitment to being a company on the move & delivering real-world innovation, wins six-month use of a CASE CTL & a year of business mentoring
RACINE, Wis. , Sept. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Some horsepower-enhanced news is br
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Whether it's an unwanted mug ring left on a wooden side tabl
DVET Maharashtra Recruitment 2022: The Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, Maharashtra is hiring 1467 Craft Instructors. Details Here.
DVET Recruitment 2022: The Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, Maharashtra State, has published a new notice for recrui
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A few years ago, I dove headfirst into the world of swimbait fishing. Obsessing over catching the biggest fish in the lake, I came to terms with the fact that I was going to sacrifice a lot of bites in pursuit of trophy caliber fish. I was experimenting mostly with baits that were readily avai
Petrobras, one of the world’s top offshore operators, has shared new information about how it used an ultradeepwater rig in a place where it was never intended to work—in shallow water.
What makes its recent subsea campaign novel is that the Brazilian national oil company avoided moo
Award-winning calendar shows gamut of techniques, from embossing and cold foiling to UV and die cutting.
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We spoke to Northwestern Energy spokesperson Jo Dee Black at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, after a severe windstorm knocked out power to thousands of homes in the Missoula area.
“At about 4:30 p.m. the wind caused a power outage that impacted about 2,700 Northwestern Energy customers in
The recent citing of an Ohio-based auto parts manufacturer by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) drives home the importance for collision shops to make sure they’re following OSHA guidelines, that they have emergency plans in place, and
SNX Technologies G3 contour edgebander is capable of edgebanding parts up to 5 ft x 10 ft and from 0.5 in. to 2.25 in. thick.
SAN DIEGO - SNX Technologies will exhibit its nVision System1 G3 contour edgebander at Wood Pro Expo California, co-located with the Closets Expo. The twin-bill