Accidents: Aug. 29: A one-vehicle rollover was reported with a female out of the vehicle; A caller said his vehicle was hit while he was out fishing the other day;
Aug. 30: A two-vehicle accident with injuries was reported;
Sept. 1: A deputy received a call about a single-vehicle rollover;
Sept. 4: A 35-year-old male fell from a bike while wearing a helmet, suffering a gash in his chin and bleeding around his mouth, and was able to transport himself to healthcare.
Animal Related: Aug. 30: A caller in the Laporte area reported a light brown horse running down U.S. Hwy. 71, apparently with tack on it but with no one around;
Aug. 31: A caller reported an injured deer on the shoulder, needing to be dispatched; A U.S. Hwy. 71 caller recently retook possession of a residence and found a dead dog in the basement, left by a former tenant;
Sept. 2: A County 97 caller with dementia reported she was watching a friend’s dog but she cannot remember their names and the dog ran away; A squad vehicle hit a deer; A vehicle hit a deer;
Sept. 3: A caller reported a vehicle hit a deer, and both the deer and the vehicle were off the roadway;
Sept. 4: A van hit a deer, and caller reported the deer was off the roadway; An elderly female reported hitting a deer and said the vehicle was not drivable; A caller reported cattle out on the roadway and in the ditches; A caller reported 6-7 cows walking on the shoulder of the road.
Assaults/Harassment: Aug. 30: An AIS inspector reported being grabbed on Aug. 24 by someone putting their boat in the lake; A County 91 caller reported a disturbance with neighbors arguing over property lines;
Aug. 31: A County 39 caller reported their estranged husband harassed them on Aug. 30, saying he tried without success to get into the garage to look at her car, which caller felt was an attempt to tamper with her vehicle; A Nevis caller said she was hit by her husband Aug. 30;
Sept. 1: A 444th St. caller suspected her 3-1/2-year-old was being abused;
Sept. 2: A Farden Twp. caller reported her boyfriend came after her with scissors; A 185th Ave. caller reported a violation of a domestic abuse no-contact order; A Hart Lake Twp. caller reported a couple staying in the area were fighting and caller was trying to keep them calm;
Sept. 3: A Farden Twp. caller reported his two sons were fighting; An officer received a report of a dispute in progress on 444th St.
Burglaries/Theft: Aug. 29: A Todd Twp. caller reported someone stealing wood from his pile;
Aug. 31: A great room motion alarm was activated in Steamboat River Twp.; A family room motion alarm was activated in Lakeport Twp.; A Lake Emma Twp. caller reported a possible Facebook scam; A garage service door alarm was activated on County 7; A front door alarm was activated in Henrietta Twp.;
Sept. 1: A County 6 caller reported someone was fraudulently using her debit card;
Sept. 2: A service door alarm was activated at the seed warehouse on County 48; Garage door alarms were activated in Mantrap Twp. while no keyholders could be reached; A foyer motion alarm was activated on 310th St. and no keyholders could be reached;
Sept. 3: An Akeley caller reported a juvenile stealing trading cards.
Fires: Sept. 1: A Nevis Twp. caller reported seeing smoke and flames, and said there was a pool house with chlorine and gas nearby;
Sept. 2: A Thorpe Twp. caller reported seeing pinkish light and smoke to the north;
Sept. 3: A caller reported a grass fire in the ditch.
Medical: Aug. 29: A lift assist was requested on 193rd Ave.; An ambulance was requested on County 31 for a female having complications after surgery; An ambulance was requested in Rockwood County for someone who fell about 25 feet out of a deer stand, having a possible broken ankle and trouble breathing;
Aug. 30: A lift assist was requested on State Hwy. 64 for a female on the bathroom floor after a hip replacement;
Sept. 1: An ambulance was requested in Park Rapids for a male who was feeling unwell; An ambulance was requested on State Hwy. 34 in the Nevis area for a male who was feeling unwell; Officer assist was requested in Park Rapids transporting someone to Pine Manor; A lift assist was requested in Nevis; An ambulance was requested on 193rd Ave. for a male who fell; A lift assist was requested in Nevis for a heavy person;
Sept. 2: A 152nd St. caller reported a male passed out but breathing in a running vehicle in the middle of the roadway; An ambulance was requested on 150th St. for a 95-year-old male having very low blood pressure; An ambulance was requested on State Hwy. 34 for a male who was disoriented and had shallow breathing; An ambulance was requested on 115th Ave. for a 75-year-old male having abdominal pains and unable to move his legs;
Sept. 3: An ambulance was requested in Mantrap Twp. for an 82-year-old female who fell and possibly broke an arm; An ambulance was requested on U.S. Hwy. 71 for a 65-year-old male who fell and couldn’t get up; An ambulance was requested in White Oak Twp. for an elderly female who fell, hit her head and was bleeding; An ambulance was requested on State Hwy. 34 in the Nevis area for a male possibly having a stroke; An ambulance was requested in Crow Wing Lake Twp. for a 72-year-old male with COPD who had been drinking and was having a “weird” reaction to a gummy; An ambulance was requested on County 18 for a male who collapsed in a restaurant and was now awake; An ambulance was requested on State Hwy. 34 in the Nevis area for a male with a bladder infection who now had a fever;
Sept. 4: An ambulance was requested in Mantrap Twp. for a male who fell, injured his head and couldn’t get up; Hubbard First Response was requested in Becker County for a male who was unresponsive but breathing; A lift assist was requested on County 12 for a 76-year-old female; An ambulance was requested in Todd Twp. for a COVID-positive male who was very weak and having difficulty breathing; An ambulance was requested on County 25 for a 63-year-old male who fell and complained of hip pain; An ambulance was requested on County 4 for an elderly female who fell and was in pain, and whose family couldn’t move her.
Miscellaneous: Aug. 29: Law enforcement checked out a suspicious vehicle; A Park Rapids caller reported vandalism of equipment; An Arago Twp. caller wanted to speak with a deputy about landlord issues;
Aug. 30: Law enforcement did a business check in Nevis; A Guthrie Twp. caller had general questions about hunting; A vehicle with a boat was reported leaving a lake access without inspection or pulling the drain plug; A Hubbard Twp. caller reported a large tire came off a tractor or trailer and flew into the lean-to on their renter’s house; A 380th St. caller reported a Cadillac SRX with a child locked inside; A 167th Ave. caller requested advice, saying she has her ex-husband’s vehicle on her property that he gave to their son, but the ex won’t give the son the title so they can sell it and refuses to remove it from the property; A 105th Ave. caller requested advice, saying they have been storing a friend’s property for about nine months and asking the friend to pick it up, but the friend refuses;
Aug. 31: A County 118 caller had questions about pursuing visitation of her children; A Hubbard Twp. caller was suspicious about an unoccupied vehicle parked in front of a residence for the past couple hours;
Sept. 1: A motion alarm was activated on County 91; A caller reported a pontoon out on the lake with no one in it, and caller had contacted the owner, who was going to retrieve it; A County 6 caller requested advice about evicting a tenant; A 474th st. caller wanted to speak to an officer about a package that was delivered to her; A female had concerns to discuss with a deputy; A County 36 caller was suspicious about a Chevy Suburban and two females with a dog walking around their driveway; An officer checked out a suspicious vehicle with two occupants;
Sept. 2: A County 33 caller complained about a neighbor playing loud music; A Farden Twp. caller reported seeing two young males trespassing onto Camp Kamaji land, putting their hoods up to block themselves from cameras; An Arago Twp. caller reported property damage; A County 33 caller requested officer assist regarding an extended cab pickup with a long trailer whose male occupant urinated in caller’s driveway; A Nevis caller reported a 42-year-old female left an adult foster care facility and went on school property, requesting assistance; An Akeley caller thought a drunk person was in a Ford Taurus at the end of his driveway; Law enforcement patrolled a sporting event in Nevis;
Sept. 3: A Farden Twp. caller wanted a vehicle towed off his property that was abandoned overnight; A caller requested officer assistance retrieving property from a former residence in Mantrap Twp.; An open-line 911 call from Rockwood Twp. had no detectable sounds in the background and no answer upon callback, and dispatch was unable to leave a voicemail; A Lake Hattie Twp. caller complained about trespassing by neighbors who mowed part of his property; caller complained about a vehicle parked on a township road; A Nevis caller wanted to speak to an officer about her living situation; A 109th Ave. caller, described as not making a lot of sense, complained about people in her yard; A 219th Ave. caller reported losing their iPhone 13 with a black Otter case; A County 33 caller complained about neighbors setting off fireworks; An open-line 911 call in Akeley Twp. had a male and a female voice talking, but it was a 911-only phone, so dispatch could not call back;
Sept. 4: An open-line 911 call in Arago Twp. seemed to have a table saw in the background, possibly construction related, but no voice contact; Cass County requested K-9 assist for a foot chase involving a person wanted in Washington County; An Akeley caller reported a trespasser; A County 13 caller reported the mother had not let him speak to his 4-year-old daughter for five days; A caller reported a boat that had been on the shoreline for a couple days; A Farden Twp. caller wanted a trespasser removed from his residence; A Farden Twp. caller reported a couple trespassers hiding behind caller’s garage; A White Oak Twp. caller reported someone playing loud music, yelling and screaming at him, describing this as continuous; A White Oak Twp. caller reported a male was outside yelling and screaming again; A County 33 caller complained about fireworks going off.
Traffic: Aug. 29: A car was reported swerving all over the road, crossing the centerline and into the grass;
Aug. 30: A Volkswagen Passat was reported swerving all over the road; A caller reported a pickup tailgating him for quite a while, passing him and cutting him off at the Dorset four-lane, traveling at speeds over 80 mph and exiting toward Walmart; A Dodge Caravan was reported swerving all over the road, almost causing a head-on collision; A State Hwy. 87 caller reported a Ford Mustang, a Chevy truck and a dirt bike tearing up the roads and a church parking lot, and when asked to leave, they headed toward Park Rapids with no headlights on the truck or the dirt bike; A Laporte caller requested a deputy to stand by while she picks up her children from her ex’s residence;
Aug. 31: A caller reported a pickup hauling trash, losing debris on the roadway;
Sept. 1: A State Hwy. 64 caller said a group was coming from Iowa to ride dirt bikes and had questions; A radar speed zone was established in response to a complaint about lack of enforcement;
Sept. 2: Multiple boat and water issues were reported; An ATV issue was reported; A State Hwy. 34 caller reported someone put metal posts on the easement, creating a traffic hazard; A young male was reported driving a loud ATV up and down the road with an unleashed dog that was scaring caller’s grandchildren; An Bemidji Ambulance driver reported a driving complaint on U.S. Hwy. 71; A motorist flagged down an officer for help in Park Rapids;
Sept. 3: A Dodge Caravan was reported swerving on the roadway; Multiple ATV violations were reported; A County 33 caller complained about vehicles passing each other in the crosswalks in front of the resorts; Multiple boat and water violations were reported; A Dodge with no plates was stopped; A Ford Mustang was reported nearly clipping two oncoming cars;
Sept. 4: There were multiple ATV and boat-and-water complaints; A minivan was reported abandoned in the middle of the roadway with one wheel on the driver’s side fallen off; Multiple ATV operators were cited for not using headlights and failing to display current registration; Multiple ATV operators were cited for carrying a minor without a helmet; A dirt bike violation was reported west of Akeley; A Chevrolet was reported swerving all over the roadway; An officer stopped a side-by-side and a dirt bike; Beltrami County passed along a report of a reckless driver.