How Rochester NY women say they started construction careers

2022-05-28 03:03:42 By : Malik Zhu

Melissa Geska’s first encounter with construction was working for a family-owned company and watching her dad, who learned from his father in Jamaica. 

Now, Geska is the sole owner of U.S. Ceiling, a designated Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprise in western New York that specializes in commercial projects.

The 19th Ward native said that women have all the inherent abilities and gifts that lend themselves well to construction careers.

"We think strategically and can break things down and problem solve," she said.

Geska, who is of Caribbean heritage, said she feels a responsibility to create opportunities for women and people from other underrepresented groups in a male-dominated industry.

As of February 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that women make up 49.7% of the total workforce in the US — basically half.

In the construction sector, by contrast, the statistics are drastically different. 

Preliminary U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data for February show that 13.9% of the 7.6 million employed construction workers are women, said Gary Steinberg, an economist for the agency who is also from Brighton.

By comparison, women filled 74% of public education jobs at the beginning of this year, he noted.

Construction statistics tend to be general said Kate Krug, executive VP at N.E.W, which stands for Nontraditional Employment for Women, a pre-apprentice program based in New York City.

The federal data includes project managers, engineers and architects, said Krug.

“For those who work with hands on their tools, the percentage of women is much lower when you look closer,” Krug said. 

She estimates that one in every ten construction workers is a woman.

Twenty-five-year carpenter Eva Lowery worked in a Norwegian fish factory as a teenager before she moved to the Rochester area.

Lowery attributes becoming a carpenter to her father, who did the same work back home in Båtsfjord.

Her work is hands-on, and she can do it all. She installs doors, trim work and drywall — and she even paints in buildings that are being renovated or newly constructed.

She said that carpentry is demanding work, and women have to start on the bottom just like everyone else.

"You clean as you learn as you earn," she said.

In her job, Lowery is a part of Sisters in the Brotherhood, a women’s support group for Brotherhood of Carpenters’ members.

Lowery and the nine other trade professionals who spoke with the Democrat and Chronicle are among 1.6 million women employed in the construction trades, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"It's nice to see more women carpenters. It's good pay, and, if you are willing to work hard, there is plenty to go around," she said.

Although women make up a small percentage of the trades, they can be found in all roles.

Yvonne Agosto-Washburn works for C.P. Ward, a construction contractor in the Rochester area.

Over the years she has tied mesh for concrete pours, repaired and reinforced culverts and more. Now, she keeps the public and her colleagues safe on highways in work-zone traffic control.

Years ago, there weren’t that many women in the trades, Agosto-Washburn said.

"We were mostly flaggers. Now there are more women coming in, more than what we had before."

At a time when gas prices and inflation make paychecks look and feel smaller, construction is still considered middle-class work. In 2021, construction workers made, on average, $922–$1,322 per week depending on the employer, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Agosto-Washburn, a Local 435 laborer since 1996, never thought she would stay in the line of work but the opportunities for advancement were there.

"This job allows you to be independent to support your family whether you are married or single," she said.

Melissa Wentland is a construction trades recruiter and the director of outreach and workforce development for Livingston Associates, an industry consulting firm in the Rochester area. She said that attracting women to the construction industry is a challenge and that pre-pandemic, the sector already had staffing challenges due to an aging workforce.

Depending on how a project is funded, there are certain goals for percentages of women and minority participation in a project, including preferences for women-owned businesses.

Wentland, former president of the National Association of Women in Construction’s local chapter, said that trade stigmas and pandemic unknowns can hamper women’s interest in the field.

"If all of the industry can work together to give greater access to women, daycare and pre-employment training — general awareness of the type of careers available — it would make a greater impact for them (women) to enter into this path," she said.

With there being such a need, Wentland and her team go into high schools, training centers and job fairs to educate people on the careers available in construction.

"We need more young people to enter. It doesn't matter what you are good at, in this field, there is always something for you," Wentland said.

Davyne Johnson beamed while describing her job as a tile finisher for Bay Tile Marble & Terrazzo Corp. She is a first-year apprentice for the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, Local 3.

In her current job she stocks and preps for tile setters.

“After tile is laid, I clean the joints –– the spaces between tiles ––and I grout,” she said.

Among other tasks, masons typically lay brick and block in new or restored structures. Her colleagues also set terrazzo, glass chip piecing seen in some local school buildings.

After high school, Johnson went off to college to study biochemistry.

"Everyone pushed me to go that route, but it just wasn’t for me," she said.

Johnson eventually leaned toward masonry during her pre-apprenticeship at M.A.P.P, Rochester’s Multi-Craft Apprenticeship Preparation Program.

Until the past decade, access to construction jobs seemed to be a family birthright, passed down from father to son, and the path to getting your foot in the door was elusive to the masses –– not anymore.

Kaela Vicente of Rochester has been a full-time insulator and site coordinator at US Ceiling for almost a year.

"I never dreamed that I would be doing what I am doing now. I thought it (construction) was a man's job. It is inspiring to work for a woman-owned company."

"Women taking on a skilled trade is not typically encouraged in American society and gender roles are ingrained in our culture," said electrician apprentice, Natalia Reyes of Rochester.

Reyes studies at a local International Brotherhood of Electricians, IBEW 86, training center once a week, and on other days she learns on the job at the O-AT-KA Milk Products plant in Batavia

It was only after becoming a nurse that she decided to pivot to a career as an electrician.

"There are a lot of stereotypes associated with construction, and those ideas are just not true. You (women) can go after it all," she said.

Reyes’ general day-to-day duties include pulling electrical wire and running conduit or setting up temporary power for welders and other tradespersons while they work.

"I like working with my hands. I look forward to doing electrical work in my house one day," she said.

Reyes can count on her mentor, Lindsay Richardson, a 30-year electrician. "It’s nice to have that contact and reach out to someone who understands you better than a male coworker can," said Reyes.

"My 7-year-old son sees that women are capable and strong," Reyes continued. "He sees that women can do anything a man can do. Nothing is out of reach; nothing is off-limits."

When initially reached by the Democrat and Chronicle, plumber and pipefitter Christal Steen, replied via text, "I’m on a roof."

At 9:30 a.m. Steen was doing something called "shooting points," which means she used GPS technology to determine where a building support should be secured on a floor before workers can pour concrete.

She has been with Local 13 for over ten years and is now a journeywoman, a drafter, who creates sets of computer-aided designs for commercial projects.

People who are plumbers and pipefitters perform commercial construction work –– not exactly "Super Mario Bros." in nature. Along with domestic systems, they focus on clean drinking water, air and refrigeration. That's a lot more than just toilets –– what most people think that plumbers do exclusively.

Like many in the construction world, Steen attributes her interest in becoming a plumber to her father, Rick.

"I went to college, got a degree in math and science, and ultimately, I decided to follow his footsteps and become a pipefitter," she said.”

On being a woman in her field, Steen said, "It’s a man’s world, that's the biggest challenge. I have really seen the strength of women working around a lot of men."

Steen hopes that more Upstate New York women decide to choose this trade as a career. "We would love to get more women in. In some states like Oregon, there are so many of us, we need more here in our area."

Mary Jo Naberhaus knows construction. She started out as a first-year apprentice 20 years ago. Now as an estimator for Billitier Electric, Inc., Naberhaus reads specs for construction builds and estimates the cost of electrical projects.

"There's certainly an effort to show women that this is something they can do," she said.

Naberhaus worries that there is a societal mindset that girls aren't strong enough. Some think that construction requires a strength that women do not possess inherently, and "that is absolutely not true," she said.

"There is plenty of work that women are suited for. We are the greatest kept secret in the trades and once a woman puts her mind to it, she can do it all."

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For more information on becoming a pre-apprentice visit, or contact any of the above-mentioned organizations directly.

Amorette Miller is a columnist for the Democrat & Chronicle. She focuses on stories about underrepresented persons and cultures in the community and topics of careers and the workforce. She can be found at @amorettemiller.