Burlington County to host May Faire at Smithville Park

2022-05-21 00:45:42 By : Ms. Vivi Gu

EASTAMPTON — Burlington County on Sunday will hold its first May Faire at Smithville Park, giving resident's the opportunity to learn about and experience the area's past.

The event will begin at 11 a.m. Festivities include live music, theater performances, and historical re-enactors. There will also be a baseball game between the newly assembled Smithville Industrial Village Base Ball Team, also known as the "Smithville Nine," and the Athletic Base Ball Club of Philadelphia. The players will wear vintage uniforms and play under the rules of the time.

"Smithville is not only one of Burlington County's most renown historical sites," County Commissioner Allison Eckel said, "it's also the crown jewel of our incredible parks system, and this new May Faire event will celebrate its history and beauty."

Smithville was originally known as Shreveville. Then, in 1865, inventor and entrepreneur Hezekiah B. Smith bought the village and renamed it. He turned it into an industrial center, manufacturing woodworking machinery and high-wheel bicycles. Smith was also known as a collector of animals, and Smithville was once home to deer, caribou, elk and a moose named February that was trained to pull a carriage.

Smith met his wife Agnes at a textile mill in Lowell, Massachusetts. She practiced medicine in Smithville, and helped her husband turn it into a model town with an opera house, school, library and the world's first bicycle railroad.

Burlington County acquired the village in 1975 and restored several structures to their original look from the 19th century.

More:Victorian Holiday Celebration returns to Historic Smithville Park

On Sunday, visitors will be able to "meet" the couple in the form of re-enactors. There will also be tours of the Smithville mansion, the 1840 Greek Revival mansion where they once lived.

"Burlington County is home to incredible history, important properties and artifacts, and an event like this is a perfect way to celebrate them," Eckel said. "The May Faire will bring together historic groups, artists, performers and much more to showcase not only Smithville's colorful past, but important historical facts, people and places throughout the county and region."

Ahmad Austin Jr. is a lifelong South Jersey resident telling stories within the healthcare and cannabis industries for Burlington County Times, Courier-Post and The Daily Journal. For story tips, reach out at aaustin@gannett.com.

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