**auctions in this week's newspaper
10:00 AM – Wayne Riebe Estate, Kris Riebe. Includes trailer, Harley Davidson motorcycle, HD parts, shop equipment, tools, welders, machinist tools, airplane wings, horse buggies, bee equipment, antiques and collectibles. Located at N1546 South County Line Road, Darien, WI. George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC , Dean George, 608-751-5703, Kale George, 608-882-6123. For complete listing and photos log onto www.georgeauction.com.
9:30 AM – Live onsite sale. Includes collector tractors, vintage hog oilers, vintage equipment, tractors, cultivators, sickle mowers, harvesting equipment, plows and more. Selling two rings for a period, be sure to bring a bidding partner. See pictures, listings and updates at www.auctionsbyobrien.com. Live sale location: County G, Marytown, WI. (920) 960-0685.
9:00 AM – Kenyon area farms pre-harvest consignment auction. Three rings selling at the same time, live and online bidding. Includes Buchta farm retirement, Lorch family farms, and Loken retirement. Auction offers tractors, crawler dozer, skid loader, camper, good farm machinery, semis, semi trailers, tender trucks, and pickups. www.maringauction.com. Located at Maring auction lot, Hwy 56 North, Kenyon, MN.
10:00 AM – Maureen Bosch Living Estate Auction. Includes: tractors, machinery, lawn & garden, vehicles and much more. For an expansive list, pictures & complete terms visit www.bobhagemannauctionreality.com or www.auctionzip.com. Auction located 10923 W 7 Mile Road, Franksville, WI.
10:00 AM – Teale Estate-items include guns; ammunition; shooting & reloading equipment; scopes; trail cams; archery & fishing equipment; knives; woodworking; tools; shop equipment. Located at W1054 Trail Rd., Brodhead, WI. For complete listing and photos visit www.georgeauction.com.
August Arcadia Farm and Heavy Equipment Consignment Auction. Featured Items: 2001 Freightliner grain truck; JD 4455; Knight 5042 Vertimax TMR; Branson EQ3015R tractor; dual tandem axle trailer; JD 635F grain head; gravity box; 2003 Arctic Cat 400 fourwheeler; Husqvarna Z4824 zero turn mower; H&S 5162 manure spreader; JD 630 MoCo Discbine; JD 630 Moco Discbine and much more. Open house by appointment only, N31874 Hwy 93, Arcadia, WI. Online bidding ends Mon., Aug. 15. For more info call Bryce Hansen 715-985-3191.
2022 August AG & Heavy Equipment. Multiple locations. Sale includes combines & heads, farm equipment, heavy equipment, tractors, heavy trucks & trailers, storage, new items and misc.
10:00 AM – Lund Counter Tops, Eugene Lund, sale location 1702 East Racine St., Janesville, WI. Sale includes cube van, cutting station and three phase converter, shop air compressor, woodworking equipment, show room displays, cupboards and vanities, counter tops, vanities and sinks, and lawn tractor parts. George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC. For complete listing and photos, log onto www.georgeauction.com. The auctioneers are Dean and Kale George.
10:00 AM – Bidding opens Aug. 9 and closes Aug. 16. All equipment will be at Gehling Auction Co., 27741 Hwy 16, Preston, MN for inspection. Ad deadline is Fri., July 29. Early consignment: Dawson Grabau Estate partial farm line with low hours, very clean equipment. To consign a farm line or a single item or for more info. call Gehling Auction Company at 1-800-770-0347 or email denny@gehlingauctioncom.
2022 August Mondovi Consignments include combine & heads, tractors, heavy equipment and trucks, farm equipment, recreational, and more. Mondovi is still adding more items. The advertising list is not complete, check the website for added items.
11:00 AM – Dairy Cattle Auction, N13438 Hwy 73, Withee. Online bidders and buyers register at cattleusa.com. Drive-ins welcome. Please have in by 10:30 AM. Premier Livestock and Auctions. For more information visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com.
Big Iron Auctions, unreserved online auction. Thomas Peeters retirement, Shiocton, WI. Items include Kinze 3000 6/11 interplant planter, hydraulic scraper, Spring Devil 6-row cultivator, gravity box, chisel plow and more. Visit www.bigiron.com for details and complete listings. Sell equipment on Bigiron.com - call today 800-937-3558.
Annen’s Machinery Ranch Inc is proud to offer a clean line of late model farm machinery for a local farmer that has acquired a group of equipment from a retirement. This online only auction ends Aug. 17. Please visit our website at www.annensmachineryranch.com or call 608-772-0075 for more details.
Live online only auction, Absolute Public Auction, 4700 69th Ave., Milan, IL
For more information call 800-992-2893 or email info@usauctioneers.com.
Conventional tractors, straight trucks, reefers, vans, flatbeds, & more. Check out usauctioneers.com for an up-to-date equipment list, descriptions & pictures.
9:00 AM – Live on site and online Auction. AACER Flooring. Complete liquidation of hardwood and sawdust flooring mfg. facility. Over 1,000 lots of woodworking lumber and sawdust handline equipment. Visit www.wausauauctioneers.com for catalog. Internet bidding is available via proxybid. Located at 970 N. Ogden Rd., Peshtigo, WI. Contact Wausau auctioneers for information at 715-536-1955 or 800-432-1922.
10:00 AM– Oberholtzer Auctions Special Dairy sale. Hay sale begins at 10 AM followed by dairy cows at 11 AM. Early consignments include 6 Holstein tiestall cows, 3 top fresh Holstein heifers, 7 Holstein springing heifers and a pending dispersal of 35 Holstein tie stall cows and a pending herd of 61 Holstein tiestall cows. Expecting 350-400 head. Watch sale online at www.cattleusa.com. Sale located at W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI . For more information visit www.overholtzerautctions.com.
75th celebration of “Rootin’ Tootin’ Newton” - Home of the Newton Firefighters annual picnic with truck and tractor pulls, volleyball tournament, food, and large consignment auction: Selling in two rings small items & lawn equipment starting at 10 AM. Farm machinery starting at 12 PM the farm equipment auction. Space is limited for the actual auction site; a portion of offerings will be featured at bidspotter.com with simulcast live/online bidding. Miller ‘N Co. Auctions & Appraisals 920-980-4999 or 920-980-4995.
10:00 AM – Skid loader, lawn tractors, collector truck, shop equipment, tools, antiques & collectibles.2614 County B, Stoughton, WI. George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC georgeauction.com 608-751-5703 or 608-882-6123.
9:00 AM – Auction, live and online. Tractors, farm machinery, collectibles, trailers, shop & lawn, garden, sporting equipment and toys. Location: 4375 Reighmoor Rd., Omro, WI. Bid online via equipmentfacts.com. Online bidding for larger items begins at at 11 AM.Sale managed and conducted by Wagners’ Auction & Action Agency Real Estate LLC. www.wagnersauctionandrealestate.com.
11:00 AM – Special monthly dairy heifer auction. Call with your consignments. N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI.Online bidders and buyers register at cattleusa.com. Drive-ins welcome. Please have in by 10:30 AM. Premier Livestock and Auctions. For more information visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com.
10:00 AM – Online only livestock and machinery Auction. The Devneys have discontinued their livestock operation and will strictly crop farm. Bidding opens Aug. 16 and starts closing Aug. 23 at 10 AM. Auction and inspection location at 5744 212 St. W., Farmington, MN. Sale includes tractor, forage boxes, forage harvester, heads, manure spreaders, manure tank, skid loader attachments, round baler and more. Matt Maring Auction. .www.maringauction.com. (507) 789-5421.
10:00 AM – Larry and Bridget Mundth, online only auction. Bidding ends Tues., Aug. 23 at 10 AM. Auction includes tractors, skidsteer & attachments, machinery, trailer, cattle/farm items, vehicles, feed, household, etc. Partial list, catalog and online bidding at www.gavinbros.com.
Now taking consignments for the August 26 auction, selling in 3 rings. Consign early, taking consignments until the lot is full. Visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com. Located at N13438 State Hwy 73, Withee, WI.
No start time listed. Premier Livestock and Auctions, LLC Machinery Auction. Machinery lot is full, consignments are closed, watch for full auction date at www.premierlivestockandauctions.com. This auction features tractors, dozers, trailers, skid loaders and trencher, hay ad forage equipment – balers, bale movers, mergers, discbine/mowers, choppers, chopper boxes, blowers, rakes, flat rack wagons, hay/corn heads; manure equipment, tillage and planting – rippers/soil finishers, cultivators/chisel plow, drills, roller plows and planters; sprayers, grain equipment, skid loader with attachments, recreational equipment, trucks, vehicles, ATV/UTV, boat, camper, building material and general farm equipment. Located at N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Call 715-229-2500 with questions, or visit our website. Nationwide buyers through equipmentfacts.com.
10:00 AM – Ehle Bros. Auction. Auction includes 4-wheelers, equipment, tractor, dump, trailer, truck, yard items, tools, misc., and more. Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialists. Visit www.ritgerdrendel.com for photos, terms and full list. Auctioneer is Don Kleven, 608-212-3320. Located at 1501 Progress Ln., Stoughton, WI..
10:00 AM – Exceptionally clean, low houred, farm machinery retirement. For full details and photos visit www.maringauction.com. Includes tractor with loader, tillage, planting, and spraying equipment, day cab semi, grain trailer, augers, and other farm items. Inspection dates Aug. 20 and Aug. 26 from 9 AM to 5 PM. Rick and Lori Arnold, sellers, 507-390-1144. Matt Maring Auction Co.
9:00 AM – Robert J. Schmatz antique Case tractor auction; located at 4630 County CR, Manitowoc, WI, Sale will be live and online at www.lulichauction.com This is a large sale of over 50 Case tractors and equipment, collector cars, gas pumps and related items, tractor memorabilia, parts, toys, and primitive farm collectibles! Full catalog and photos at www.lulichauction.com 608-963-3510. Auctioneers: David A. Lulich, Lyndon Station, Bryan Mergen, Wausau. Clerk and cashier: Lulich Auction, LLC.
9:00 AM – Evansville Consignment auction. Tractors, skid loaders, machinery, haying & tillage equipment, trailers, landscape & construction equipment, lawn mowers, ATV’s, shop tools, antiques, livestock, livestock equipment and more. Location:s 8409 North Hwy 14, Evansville, WI. To consign call 608-882-6123 or email deangeorge@litewire.net. For a complete listing and photos visit www.georgeauction.com.
Noon – Live and online auction on the real estate of Elroy and Winifred Larsen. Located at W12496 Rangeline Rd., Deerbrook, WI. Selling 351 +/- acres of recreational and agricultural land in the town of Ackley, Langlade County to be offered in 11 parcels. Sales conducted by Nolan Sales LLC 715-754-5221. Visit www.nolansales.com for more maps.
W Yoder classic car, tractor and memorabilia auction. Want to talk about consigning your car, tractor and memorabilia, or collection, call Wayne at 920-295-2644 or Heather at 920-240-9185. W. Yoder Auction, LLC. Yodersold.com.
8:00 AM – Consign now for large farm machinery auction. Call 815-427-8350 or 815-791-0723 to have equipment listed today. Held at St. Anne Consignment Auction & Equipment Sales, 6997 E 5000 S Rd, St. Anne, Il. Email contact@stanneauction.com. www.stanneconsignmentauction.com.
Time TBA: Farm equipment retirement auction for Linsmeier Farms, 10611 Hilltop Rd., Reedsville, WI. Ford 7700, Ford 9600, Ford 9000, Ford 8000, Ford 5000, Ford 6600, Ford 1600, nice New Holland, NH499, 38 green chopper, 782 chopper, IH510 12’ drill, Gehl 250 spreader, forage boxes, tillage, barn cleaner, silo unloaders, much more including farm antiques. Miller ‘N Co. Auctions & Appraisals, LLC MillerNCo.com 920-980-4999.
39th Annual Labor Day Weekend Auction. Three huge days. Accepting consignments now through Aug. 31. Call ahead to consign, unloading hours may vary. Auction includes on site and online bidding. Polk Auction Company. www.polkauction.com, 72435 Hwy 15, New Paris, IN. 877-915-4440.
8:30 AM – Hazelhurst Annual Fall Consignment Live-Virtual Auction. Contact us by Aug. 17 with your list for the sale bill/advertising. Consignments can be brought to the auction site between the hours of 7:30AM & 5PM (gates locked) Aug. 22-26 (Sat. Aug. 27 between 7:30AM am & noon), 29 & 30. We reserve the right to reject, loads will be screened. For more information contact Lyle Hopkins, 815-441-1251 or 815-946-2660 or slpaspolo@gmail.com; John Hopkins, 815-994-1836; Lenny Bryson, 815-946-4120, Location Mrs. Sherwood Shank Family Farm, 17748 W. Milledgeville Rd., Polo, IL.
9:00 AM – Now accepting consignments for the Annual Fall Equipment Auction, Merrill, WI. The auction will feature quality farm tractors, hay & forage equipment, tillage equipment, wheel loaders, excavators, loader and backhoes, skid steers, dozers and more. Call John at 715-581-1915. Wausauauctioneers.com.
Breezy Hill Farms LLC. Dairy has been sold, land rented, and Breezy Hill Farms will sell their fine line of equipment in this dairy retirement auction. Watch for updates on this great equipment which includes tractors, harvester, front fold planter, cultipacker, and & much more. Watch for details, pics, and full listing at www.millernco.com. Sale conducted simulcast live & online. Auction held by Miller ‘N Co. Auctions & Appraisals 920-980-4999 or 920-980-4995.